Mouse Cryopreservation

Protect your valuable strains from unfortunate events. JAX Cryopreservation offers fast and reliable methods for archiving embryos and sperm so you can feel assured about the safety of your strains.

Cre-Lox Dena Helix, Artistic Representation

JAX offers sperm and embryo cryopreservation services using advanced technologies. We have successfully cryopreserved and recovered over 22,000 strains of diverse genetic backgrounds.

Secure your research while saving resources through Sperm and Embryo Cryopreservation

Cryopreservation of either sperm or embryos enables you to dramatically reduce costs associated with mouse colony maintenance, particularly of low use strains. Not only does it protect your valuable mouse strains against disease, breeding cessation and disasters, cryopreservation also protects your research by:

  • Limiting genetic drift
  • Preventing the spontaneous loss of phenotype
  • Enabling easy recovery of specified and opportunistic pathogen free (SOPF) mice: no quarantine required upon arrival
  • Facilitating strain distribution to fellow researchers, making it easier to share your strain with the scientific community

Cost-benefit of cryopreserving versus maintaining live colonies of low use research strains

The cost to maintain a heterozygous colony that requires frequent genotyping ranges from a few thousand to over $10,000 per year. Even in a scenario with low per diem rates, the cumulative cost of maintaining a colony increases significantly faster than the cumulative cost of cryopreserving a strain, even if a couple recoveries need to be done.

cost benefit of freezing down low use strains

Sperm vs Embryo Cryo: Which is right for me?

The decision to cryopreserve your valuable strain is the first step in protecting your strain from unforeseen circumstances. How you choose to cryopreserve depends on the unique characteristics of your strain.

Embryo Cryo Sperm Cryo

Ideal for

  • Models with multiple mutations
  • Strains with unique genetic backgrounds

  • Mice with single mutations
  • Strains on inbred backgrounds
  • Small colonies


  • Recovery of desired genotype (for example, homozygous mice)
  • Fast cryorecovery
  • Only 2 males needed
  • Inexpensive strain distribution


  •  Requires up to 10 females
  •  Recovery of heterozygous mice

Additional factors to consider when deciding between Sperm or Embryo Cryopreservation include:

  • Future use
    • Depending on the timing and frequency of future investigations from cryopreserved material, sperm cryo may be a better option for low-use strains, whereas embryo cryo may be better for more frequently used strains.
  • Budget
    • Up-front costs associated with Sperm cryo are lower compared to Embryo cryo, but may take more resources to obtain the desired genotype
    • Up-front costs associated with Embryo Cryo are higher compared to Sperm Cryo, less time and resources are required for recovery

JMCRS - Mouse Cryo - C22-cont

Sperm Cryopreservation

Protect your valuable mouse strains against disease, breeding cessation and disasters using our Sperm Cryopreservation Services.

Embryo Cryopreservation

Start your experiments earlier by recovering the precise genotype and genetic background of your strain using embryo cryopreservation.

Sperm Cryo Kit

Cryopreserve novel mouse strains in your own laboratory and enjoy the peace of mind provided by quality control (QC) testing and safe, long-term storage at The Jackson Laboratory.