Staffed with highly skilled personnel, JAX Scientific Research Services provide essential support to our faculty labs, allowing them to apply the most advanced technologies to their research.
The Cellular Engineering Laboratory at The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine provides high-quality, custom-edited cell lines (human ES/iPS) using CRISPR/ Cas technology, offering a range of allele types that include knockouts, knock-ins, single base variants, and conditional loss-of-function alleles.
The Center for Biometric Analysis (CBA) provides scientists with the space, equipment and expertise to perform state of the art in vivo mouse phenotyping spanning a broad range of biological domains and disease states. We interrogate phenotypes deeply, measuring extremely subtle signs of disease. Complementing this, we are expanding our capacity to perform phenotyping at high throughput and large scale.
Computational Sciences (CS) works collaboratively with JAX investigators in the application of advanced computational and analytical approaches to complex, data-intensive biological problems; in the development of scientific software applications that facilitate access, visualization, and sharing of data and algorithms with the scientific community; and in the development of new scientific projects and platforms.
The Flow Cytometry Service has extensive experience and expertise in all aspects of flow cytometry and offers state-of-the-art instrumentation including the capability to measure more than 30 parameters on a single sample. We feature up to 28 color 6-way cell sorting at both Farmington and Bar Harbor Campuses. Our service can be utilized for sample preparation, staining, acquisition, and data analysis as needed.
Flow Cytometry on MyJAX (Login Required)The mission of the Genetic Engineering Technologies (GET) group is to provide The Jackson Laboratory's faculty a one stop shop access to technical expertise, instrumentation, and centralized facilities necessary to carry out complex genetic engineering and to create genetically modified mice. We are fully competent taking a project from concept to delivery of live mice and performing genetic engineering in our laboratories, including allele design, construct development, microinjection, and genotyping of founder mice. We have extensive experience and success generating genetically modified mice on a variety of inbred and specialty strains. Other service offerings include genetic engineering consultation, training, custom genetic engineering projects, and provision of tested reagents and supplies.
The JAX Genome Technologies (GT) Laboratory provides both expertise and services for genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic analysis, to support JAX faculty, staff and partnering researchers. The GT Laboratory houses a variety of cutting-edge genomic technologies and is fully equipped with automated instruments to process various samples at scale. GT offers end-to-end solutions from sample to data; starting from nucleic acid extraction, sample quality control (QC), sequencing library construction, short and long read sequencing, to data QC and delivery. We constantly seek to develop and expand our technical capabilities, with the aim to deliver the highest quality data to support various research programs in the scientific community.
Genome Technologies on MyJAX (Login Required)Histopathology Sciences (HPS) combines clinical chemistry and hematology, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, histology, and research necropsy services into one comprehensive resource for the preparation and analysis of murine specimens. Service staff has expertise in one or more of these disciplines and provide a variety of services and custom-tailored protocols, meeting the needs of the scientist in a cost-efficient manner. Working together with research staff, HPS personnel import, modify and develop protocols as necessary to obtain data.
Library Sciences’ specialized collection of over 11,000 online biomedical journals and ebooks supports JAX’s research focus, including genetics and genomics, inbred mice, animal health and husbandry, development, embryology, complex traits, immunology, cancer, molecular biology, neuroscience, and computational biology. We offer interlibrary loan, scholarly communication assistance, and provide training in EndNote, PubMed, and other databases. The historical archive includes the C.C. Little Papers and George Snell Papers.
Library Sciences on MyJAX (Login Required)The Mass Spectrometry and Protein Chemistry Service provides expertise and high-throughput analyses for metabolomics, proteomics, lipidomics, imaging, and targeted studies using mass spectrometry.
The Microscopy Service includes standard widefield microscopy; advanced fluorescent microscopy, including confocal and spinning disk; 2-photon and fluorescence lifetime microscopy (FLIM); longitudinal observation or live-cell imaging, including imaging of iPS and ES cells under various environmental conditions (hypoxia); laser-capture microdissection, image analysis and 3D visualization; high-throughput cell-based screening; brightfield slide scanning; and automated fluorescence slide scanning.
The Monoclonal Antibody Service is a high-throughput resource that produces custom monoclonal antibodies against novel protein or peptide targets using classical hybridoma technology, as well as scale-up production of antibodies from existing cell lines. This service is available to all faculty and staff and accepts projects from external collaborators and other external scientists.
The PDX R&D Core provides customizable services to facilitate the development and research characterization of normal or neoplastic, cell or patient derived xenograft (CDX or PDX, solid or liquid tissues) models. With the aim of assisting investigators in conducting xenograft studies, the Core initiates processes involved in tumor engraftment as well as in post-engraftment characterization and analysis of xenografts. The core also provides engraftment of viral or other vectors and live in vivo imaging for longitudinal studies. This core works closely with other listed services to provide a smooth transition of experiments that require downstream analysis.
PDX R&D Core on MyJAX (Login Required)The Protein Production and Purification (P3) Service produces and isolates researcher's proteins of interest for use as antigens and reagents.
Facilitates the efficient creation and management of mouse models. Services Offered: Cryopreservation, Storage of Cryopreserved Lines, Import Cryopreserved Sperm/Embryos, Recovery of Cryopreserved Lines, Rederivation, Colony Expansion via IVF, Strain Rescue / "Last of Line" Rescue, Special Projects.
Scientific Instrument Services provide technical services to research labs and scientific services with in-house expertise in the areas of scientific equipment repair and maintenance; custom design and fabrication of devices and fixtures; automated liquid handling support and assay development; and laboratory glassware washing and sterilization functions. We maintain fleets of shared equipment, oversee shared equipment facilities, and assist Scientific Services in capital equipment planning. Each of these services is available on both the Bar Harbor and Farmington Campuses.
The JAX Single Cell Biology Lab provides state-of-the-art technologies and expertise to interrogate molecular and cellular biology at single cell resolution. These include
Investigators at the University of Connecticut can access our services through the JAX-UConn Single Cell Genomics Center agreement.
The Technology Evaluation and Development group is a dynamic environment with the key goal to rapidly explore and evaluate new ideas in a systematic manner. With a diverse array of projects, TED actively works towards the realization of significant improvements in process or method efficiencies across the spectrum of JAX resources. One major aspect of our work is focused on developing platforms for enhancing genetically modified mouse models on highly defined backgrounds. These approaches (Zinc Finger Nucleases, TALENs, CRISPR, etc.) allow for the sequential modification of existing models. This Sequential Additive Value aims to improve a model's performance and maintain their relevance. While advancing our Research and Development objectives, TED actively collaborates with groups inside and outside of JAX to achieve common goals.
The Transgenic Genotyping Service (TGS) provides genotyping for Jax Mice and assay development. TGS also provides services formerly associated with the Genetic Analysis Lab (speed congenics & mapping projects) as well as SNP Genotyping Services for our institutional clients at The Jackson Laboratory and elsewhere.
The Cellular Engineering Laboratory delivers precise, custom genome-edited human stem cell lines through application of CRISPR/Cas technologies and genome-wide SNP array analysis for rigorous quality control. We offer a diverse array of allele types, including knock-outs, knock-ins, single-base variants, and conditional loss-of-function. Our comprehensive services extend beyond editing to encompass consultation and training in induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) use, iPSC differentiation, and CRISPR-based genome editing.
Read MoreThe Center for Biometric Analysis (CBA) offers state-of-the art in vivo mouse phenotyping spanning four major biological domains. Our domain-specific services include Metabolic Phenotyping, Neurobehavioral Phenotyping, Physiology and Cardiovascular Phenotyping, which are complemented by Pre-clinical Imaging. Dedicated expertise in each domain enables deep interrogation of phenotypes and the measuring of extremely subtle signs of disease. The CBA has the capacity to perform phenotyping at high throughput and at scale.
Computational Sciences (CS) works collaboratively with investigators to apply advanced computational and analytical approaches to complex, data-intensive biological problems. We support the development of scientific software applications that facilitate access, visualization, and sharing of data and algorithms with the scientific community. CS also engages in the development of new scientific projects and computational platforms.
The Flow Cytometry Service has extensive expertise in flow cytometric analysis and offers state-of-the-art instrumentation, including the capability to measure more than 30 parameters simultaneously with up to 28-color, 6-way cell sorting. Services include sample preparation, antibody labeling of cells, and acquisition and analysis of cytometric data. Sterile cell sorts can be performed. The Service also offers instrument training and consultation on antibody panels and experimental design.
Read MoreGenetic Engineering Technologies provides technical consultation, instrumentation, and centralized facilities to perform complex genetic engineering of mice from inbred and specialty strains. Projects are taken from concept to delivery of live mice. Services include allele design, construct development, embryonic stem cell (ESC) development, zygote and blastocyst microinjection, electroporation, and genotyping of founder mice. We also offer human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) and mouse ESC cultures and viral vector services.
The Genome Technologies Laboratory (GT) offers genomic, epigenomic, and transcriptomic analyses, supporting JAX investigators and collaborating researchers. Equipped with cutting-edge short- and long-read sequencing platforms from Illumina, PacBio, and Oxford Nanopore Technologies coupled with laboratory automation, GT provides end-to-end support from nucleic acid extraction to data generation. By emphasizing flexibility and quality, GT ensures support of diverse scientific research projects.
Histopathology Sciences (HPS) combines services in chemistry and hematology, electron microscopy, histology, and necropsy into one comprehensive resource for the preparation and analysis of a variety of specimens. HPS customizes protocols to meet the specific needs of investigators in a cost-efficient manner. Automated capabilities in state-of-the-art multiplexed RNA in situ hybridization and high-sensitivity immunoassays are available, as well as slide preparation for spatial omics studies including lipidomics, metabolomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics.
Library Sciences manages a specialized collection of over 14,000 digital and print resources to support cutting-edge research and education in genetics, genomics, and biomedicine. We also offer services such as interlibrary loans, scholarly communication assistance, and training in EndNote, PubMed, and other databases. Our historical archive preserves JAX’s legacy, including the papers of George Davis Snell, a pioneer in mouse genetics and 1980 Nobel Prize recipient.
The Microscopy Service offers standard widefield microscopy; advanced fluorescence microscopy, including confocal and spinning disk; two-photon and fluorescence lifetime microscopy (FLIM); longitudinal observation or live-cell imaging, including imaging of cells under various environmental conditions (including hypoxia); image analysis, including AI-based image processing, and 3D visualization; high-throughput cell-based screening; histological slide scanning; and automated fluorescence slide scanning.
Protein Sciences (PS) provides services and expertise related to antibody production, protein production/isolation, and mass spectrometry for the characterization of proteins and small molecules. We employ multiple platforms for the high-throughput characterization of proteins, metabolites, and lipids. Additionally, PS offers development of customized methods in each of these areas to meet investigator needs.
Reproductive Sciences provides a variety of services and expertise that facilitate the efficient creation and management of mouse strains and models for JAX investigators and external clients. Services include rapid expansion of lines using in vitro fertilization (IVF), rederivation of imported lines by embryo transfer, embryo cryopreservation, and management of cryopreserved spermatozoa. We also develop, refine, and implement assisted reproductive technologies (ART) to manage mouse colonies more effectively.
Scientific Instrument Services ensures performance of scientific instrumentation in research labs and Scientific Services facilities. We repair and maintain scientific equipment; oversee shared scientific equipment and facilities; provide computer-aided design of custom devices and fabricate these devices via 3D printing or CNC milling; support automated liquid handling robots and develop assays for automation; provide laboratory glassware washing and sterilization functions; and assist in capital equipment planning.
The Single Cell Biology Laboratory applies cutting-edge technologies to interrogate molecular and cellular features at single-cell resolution. Services include high-throughput single-cell transcriptomic, epigenetic, and multiomic profiling; spatial transcriptomics; multiplexed RNA in situ hybridization and hyperplexed antibody-based imaging of analytes in situ; and automated, imaging-based high-content screening of cellular phenotypes for large-scale assays. UConn investigators can access our services through the JAX–UConn Single-Cell Genomics Center agreement.
Read MoreThe Transgenic Genotyping Service (TGS) provides high-quality, accurate genotyping of JAX mice and develops reproducible genotyping assays. By utilizing continuous process improvement and multiple automation platforms, TGS optimizes high-throughput genotyping to decrease turnaround time and expense. Our mission is to produce reliable and actionable genotyping results as quickly and inexpensively as possible for JAX investigators and external clients.
Xenografting and Live Imaging Services (XLIS) provides expertise in the development and characterization of xenograft models. Customizable offerings include orthotopic or heterotopic models, cell line-derived (CDX) or patient-derived (PDX) models for both solid and liquid tumors. XLIS offers execution of efficacy studies in both standard and genetically diverse backgrounds. Additionally, XLIS performs live in vivo imaging of bioluminescence and fluorescence for longitudinal studies.
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