Gregory Carter, Ph.D.

Professor, The Bernard and Lusia Milch Endowed Chair

Develops computational strategies using genetic data to understand complex genetic systems involving multiple genes and environmental factors.

The Carter Lab uses large-scale data to strengthen the interface between experimental systems and common disease in humans. We develop computational methods to analyze genetic architecture, design translatable studies of model systems, perform data alignment to precisely quantify disease relevance, and share data through open science platforms. Our primary focus is leveraging genetic and genomic data to identify and test potential treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. We are creating and characterizing new mouse and marmoset models to understand the origins and progression of dementia in molecular and pathophysiological detail, and using these models to assess diagnostic biomarkers and perform preclinical testing. Through this work, we are derisking molecular targets to accelerate the discovery of precise, targeted therapeutic approaches. We are embedded in a network of collaborative projects and centers including MODEL-AD, TREAT-AD, and MARMO-AD. By integrating knowledge and standardizing analytical strategies across these research consortia, we are maximizing the translational value of computational and experimental research.

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Grants, honors and accomplishments

The IU/JAX/Pitt MODEL-AD Center
Principal Investigator and Head of Bioinformatics and Data Management
NIA U54 AG054345, 2016-2027

Generation, Characterization, and Validation of Marmoset Models of Alzheimer’s Disease (Marmo-AD)
Program Director/Principal Investigator and Head of Bioinformatics and Data Integration
NIA U19 AG074866, 2022-2027

The Open Drug Discovery Center for Alzheimer’s Disease (TREAT-AD)
Principal Investigator and Head of Bioinformatics
NIA U54 AG065187, 2019-2024

Modeling the Genetic Interaction Between Klotho and APOE Alleles in Alzheimer's Disease
Principal Investigator
NIA RF1 AG075701, 2022-2027

An Explainable Unified AI Strategy for Efficient and Robust Integrative Analysis of Multi-omics Data|
Principal Investigator
NIA R21 AG083299, 2023-2025

Clinical Features and Neuropathological Basis of Sleep Wake Behavior in Alzheimer's and PSP
NIA R01 AG060477

Identifying mechanistic pathways underlying RPE pathogenesis in models of pattern dystrophy
NEI R01 EY034988

Retinal Disease: Molecular Basis and Pathophysiology Co-Investigator
NEI R01 EY011996

Identification of Genetic and Genomic Variants by Next-Gen Sequencing in Nonhuman Animal Models
NIDA U01 DA051235, 2021-2026

Full Human Gene Replacement Mouse Models of Alzheimer's Disease
NIA RF1 AG079125, 2022-2027

Cancer Center Support
Co-Project Lead
NCI P30 CA034196, 2020-2025