The how and the why of spatio-temporal interactions in brain and behavior. It is known that brain regions involved in memory processing, such as hippocampus and the neocortex, are affected in the early stages of AD pathology. In Kaczorowski Lab I am interested in understanding how age, genetic variance and other environmental risk factors impact memory/cognition related brain networks in AD. Probing these networks for aberrant neuronal activity and functional connectivity will provide us a novel mechanistic insight of disease progression and network dysfunctions. These outcomes are critical for prioritizing new drug targets and strategies for AD treatments and establish the predictive validity of alterations in brain dynamics as a biomarker for AD pathology.
I completed my PhD in Neuroscience from University of Lethbridge in 2021, where using in vivo mesoscale imaging of the cortex and local field potential (LFP) recording from the hippocampus, I investigated cortico-cortical and hippocampal-cortical interactions in mouse models of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).
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