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Undergraduate Institution: University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Undergraduate Major: Biochemistry
JAX PI: Christine Beck, Ph.D.
Research Focus at JAX: Investigating the consequences of structural variants within transposable element promoters across diverse genomes
Visit the BECK Lab
Undergraduate Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Undergraduate Major: Biochemistry
JAX PI: Travis Hinson, M.D.
Research focus at JAX: Investigating mutations associated with genetic cardiomyopathies using human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) model and studying cardiac regeneration with in vivo mouse model.
Visit the HINSON Lab
Undergraduate Institution: Austin College
Undergraduate Major: Biochemistry
JAX PI: Michael Stitzel, Ph.D.
Research focus at JAX: Creating reporter and gene perturbation assays to observe Type II Diabetes (T2D) marker fluctuations in model beta-islet pancreatic cells in the context of single nuclear polymorphisms (SNPs).
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